Pet In-House Laboratory in Olathe, KS

Santa Fe Pet Clinic strives to provide care for your pet promptly and effectively.

Diagnosis & Treatment Guided by Testing

Santa Fe Pet Clinic strives to provide the care for your pet in a timely and effective manner. One of the ways we direct our care of your furry friend is by performing laboratory tests. These are an integral part of veterinary diagnostics and case management. They provide crucial information that guides our diagnosis and treatment of numerous illnesses, including:

  • Liver disease
  • Infection
  • Cancer
  • Kidney disease
  • Anemia
  • And many other serious medical conditions

Quick Results With Our In-House Laboratory

Our in-house lab is able to provide us with a variety of tests such as:

  • Pre-anesthetic blood work
  • Complete blood count
  • Monitoring for patients on long-term medications
  • Fungal cultures for ringworm
  • Cytology of masses and lesions
  • Glucose curves for diabetics
  • FIV/FeLV tests
  • Skin scrape cytologies
  • Fecal examinations for intestinal parasites
  • Urinalysis
  • And others

When we require more extensive tests, we send them out to a local reference lab, where results are generally given back to us within 24 hours.

Routine Blood Work

Routine blood work is recommended for patients that are on long-term medications to determine correct dosage levels or to monitor their effect over time on different body functions, such as liver, kidney, or electrolyte balance. Also, as your pet gets older, semi-annual blood tests are extremely beneficial in helping to keep track of their internal health and allowing early detection of diseases while they are still treatable.

Annual Fecal & Blood Test for Parasites

We also recommend annual testing for intestinal parasites via a fecal sample to check for roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, Giardia, and coccidia. A quick blood test for heartworms is required once a year which enables us to confirm that their preventative is doing its job and also allows us to refill their prescription of heartworm preventative.

Pre-Anesthetic Blood Panel

Prior to any surgery, patients will undergo a pre-anesthetic blood panel to check for health issues. We will make sure they are healthy and a good risk for anesthesia. Being diligent with this panel of values has proven to be very beneficial in saving many pets from potentially life-threatening complications during their surgery. Discovering issues early allows us to address them in a safe environment and have the option to decide to delay surgery if necessary. Once the issues are addressed, we may be able to proceed or choose to have the surgery at another time.